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Certificate in cooperation with the European Federation of Financial Analysts Associations (EFFAS)


Start date

ESG Essentials

at any time

Examen Dates 2025
23. June

Price: 760 €
plus VAT.


Continuing its commitment to drive the integration of extra-financial information in classic investment methods and as a pioneer in delivering structured training on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) the DVFA launches its new ESG Essentials programme. The ESG Essentials provides participants with the fundamental concepts and requirements to give basic guidance to investors in ESG matters.

ESG factors are increasingly being incorporated into business risk assessment and in investment and financing decision-making processes. The ESG Essentials is the choice for professionals in finance who want to get ahead and understand the global megatrends and equip themselves with the knowledge to navigate an evolving regulatory landscape.

According to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR), as of 10th March 2021 participants in financial markets and financial advisers must report on the integration of sustainability risks and the analysis of adverse incidences regarding sustainability in their processes and provide information on sustainability regarding financial products. For adequate advice and transparency in these matters, it is essential that participants in financial markets, advisors, and information providers have a basic knowledge of ESG.

With the ESG Essentials certification, professionals in the sector can demonstrate that they have acquired an understanding of the fundamentals of ESG to complement their professional knowledge.


The ESG Essentials programme is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the latest trends in ESG financing.
At the end of the programme the student will have a knowledge and understanding of:


ESG Essentials is a basic programme structured in five (5) Modules including two case studies. One of which looks at a product and the other at a firm to illustrate, in a practical way, integrating ESG analysis and investment decisions.

Sustainability, an overview

Module 1


This module is a journey through the evolution of sustainability
and what it means for business and investors.

Regulatory context in Europe, implications for investment advisers

Module 2


This module offers an overview of the main impacts that regulation will have on companies,
and banking and management professionals.

Voluntary principles and standards of reference in Sustainable Finance

Module 3


This module explains the key players of sustainable finance such as who participates
as ESG information providers, along with the main standards and principles for defining sustainable investment.

Investment instruments and sustainable financing

Module 4


This module is a tour through the different investment and financing products and services.
Participants will receive real examples to understand their characteristics,
how to recognize them, and how to explain and advise a client from an ESG perspective.

Sustainable investment strategies for portfolio construction

Module 5


This module will allow the participant to obtain a complete and practical view on ESG matters.
Participants should develop a deep understanding of ESG and have acquired sufficient knowledge
to solve the two case studies provided at the end of the course.



The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) will grant the ESG Essentials© professional certification to candidates who pass EFFAS’s certification exam based on the EFFAS examination syllabus. 

ESG Essentials Common Exam sessions are organized on a quarterly basis by EFFAS. Eligible candidates must have completed the ESG Essentials Programme, or an equivalent training programme accredited by EFFAS.

The exam is comprised of 30 MCQs and has a duration of 90 minutes. The exam can be taken both online and in person at selected exam venues organized by EFFAS National Member Societies.

Target group

Managers and employees from the following segments
  • Banking and insurance managers / advisors
  • Investment / Client / Financial advisors
  • Financial planners and specialists in supporting functions in client advisory services
  • Financial information providers
  • Preparers of Financial reports
  • Lawyers
  • Auditors
  • Investor relations / corporate communication specialists
  • Corporate ESG practitioners
  • Consultants

our ESG Essentials - Experts

Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen
Academic Director of ESG Essentials Programme

Alexander Bassen is a full professor of capital markets and management at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Science (Germany). He teaches courses in finance and investment, ESG and capital markets and reporting. Alex is a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development – Advisory Body of the German Federal Government, the Sustainable Finance Advisory Council of the German Federal Government, and the German Advisory Council on Global Change of the German Federal Government. In addition, he serves as a member of the EFRAG Project Task Force EU Sustainability Reporting Standard (PTF ESRS). He is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Oxford (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment) and a Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University. In addition, he is a member on several advisory committees for sustainable finance.

Other Experts

Sonia Artuso, CEFA, CIIA, CESGA 
Aurélie de Barochez, CIIA
Corinne Baudoin, CEFA
René Nicolodi, PhD
Susana Peñarrubia Fraguas, CFA, CESGA
Teresa Roy o, CESGA

inhouse angebote auch auf deutsch


Contact us if you want more information about the DVFA-Program „ESG Essentials“.
Mr. Schummer will gladly answer your call:
 069-26 48 48-121
or you can send a message to:

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at any time

Examen Dates 2025

10. March
23. June
22. September
08. December

Preis: 760 €
plus VAT.
